
Learning Aim B

Article 1 Adaptation

K nife and gun violence is increasing by huge amounts in East London over the recent years with more than 50 deaths already this year making London's murder rate go above America's New York City’s, which is seen as a violent place. I mean... Who would even want to live in a place like this? As researched by a former gang member, Sheldon Thomas, East London gang members and drug dealers can be as young as 10 years old. 10 years old?! When I was 10, i worried about which Pokemon I am going to add to my collection, here's 10 year old's worrying about who they are going to stab next. Drugs and gang activity have become a normal and everyday thing to certain people that live in East London. Additionally, there are a lot of young people that are interested in gang violence because they see it as a way to get quick money (which is so ridiculous by the way) and they have the advantage of getting searched less by the police, however, even that has changed nowadays as the rates o...

Audio Task 1

Establishing Shot Close up Portrait




We have filmed our advertisement in one place which is the kitchen as it was the most suitable to film it there as our advert is on a food product.